Baldur’s Gate 3: Best Gale Build BG3 Start Devastating Magic


What makes Gale a standout companion in Baldur’s Gate 3 Builds, and how can you optimize his build? What are the key attributes to focus on for creating the Best Gale Build Bg3 in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Best Gale Build Bg3 Introduction |
Best Gale Build Bg3 Introduction |

Best bg3 gale build introduction

One of the 10 companions you can recruit in Baldur’s Gate 3 is Gale, a Human Wizard. As a skilled spellcaster with a wide range of spells, Gale is an invaluable asset to any party. His kind-hearted nature makes him eager to help those in need, adding depth to the story.


Companions in Baldur’s Gate 3, like Gale, provide many benefits, from assisting in combat to enriching the plot with their unique perspectives. Gale’s character can be shaped through interactions, offering a chance for camaraderie, romance, or even conflict.

The Game Award For Game Of The Year

Baldur's Gate 3 Cover |
Baldur’s Gate 3 Cover |

Baldur’s Gate 3

Larian Studios is the developer and publisher of Baldur’s Gate 3, an RPG inspired by Dungeons & Dragons. Players build their characters by choosing a beginning Bg3 best class, engaging in missions, leveling up, and fighting in turn-based combat using the D&D 5th edition rule book. The game has both a single-player and cooperative component.

PlatformPC, Stadia, macOS, PS5, Xbox Series X
Release DateAugust 3, 2023
DeveloperLarian Studios Ps5
PublisherLarian Studios Games
ESRBM for Mature: Blood and Gore, Partial Nudity, Sexual Content, Strong Language, Violence
How Long To Finish30 Hours

In this guide, we’ll explore Gale’s strengths and how to build him into a powerful Wizard. Focusing on area-based damage, we’ll recommend the Evocation subclass, allowing Gale to unleash devastating area spells without harming allies. This versatile caster also benefits from a variety of spells, which can be learned through scrolls and gold. Think of Gale’s build as a flexible, area-damage powerhouse in Baldur’s Gate 3.


Gale Pros

  • Great Area Damage
  • Wide Range of Best spells for Gale BG3 Build
  • Crowd Control Enemies

Gale Cons

  • Slow Start
  • Tedious Personal Quest
  • Low Durability

what are bg3 best gale build Features & Tactics

Here are a list of the best Bg3 Gale Build features & tactics:

  • Race: Human
  • Class: Wizard
  • Background: Sage
  • Base Proficiencies: Arcana, History, Investigation, Insight
  • Origin Character: Yes
  • Bg3 gale best build: Wizard, Evocation, Quarterstaff Weapons
  • Location: Roadside Cliffs on the Rock Wall, (Act 1)
  • Romance: Yes

Early in Baldur’s Gate 3, you have the opportunity to reroll or replace your companion. You can change their ability scores, class, best subclass, and other attributes. However, their race and story are fixed. To optimize the Best Gale Build BG3, we recommend using Withers at Camp after unlocking him.

Best bg3 gale build Guide Evocation Wizard in Baldur’s Gate 3

BG3 Gale Build Guide - Evocation Wizard in Baldur’s Gate 3
Best Bg3 Gale Build Guide Evocation Wizard in Baldur’s Gate 3 |

How Can I Recruit Best Bg3 Gale Build and Where Can I Find Him? | bg3 gale location

Where To Find Gale BG3 |
Where To Find Gale BG3 |

To recruit Gale, head to the Roadside Cliffs region, located north of your crash site after the prologue. Gale, with his long white beard and purple robe, awaits at a waypoint. He’ll inform you that the mind flayer tadpole has infected him too and ask for your help in finding a cure. If you agree, Gale will join your party. If your group is full, Gale will camp with you, and it’s easy to switch companions by talking to your allies. Gale, a powerful wizard, will aid you as you progress in Baldur’s Gate 3 Builds.


what is Wizard Spell Casting?

  • Spell Slots: You can use higher-tier and more spells at each level, but you can only use so many spells before taking a long rest.
  • Cantrips: are similar to Best spells for Gale BG3 Build, except they don’t take up any spell slots and you can perform them indefinitely.
  • Concentration: is a spell mechanism where the spell will stop working if you don’t maintain concentration
  • Learn Spells: You have the opportunity to learn new spells and unlearn old ones as you level up, unlike wizards.

what are the bg3 best gale build Recommended Subclass

The best Gale build for Baldur’s Gate 3 is the Evocation subclass, as it delivers the most area-based damage in the game. With the Sculpt Spells feature, your Evocation spells create shelters that protect allies. When an allied creature makes a saving throw, they automatically succeed and take no damage. This eliminates the concern of “friendly fire,” allowing you to focus on massive area damage while keeping your party safe. For this reason, we recommend the Wizard attend the Evocation school for the Best Gale Build BG3.

Gale Build Bg3 Recommended Subclass |
Gale Build Bg3 Recommended Subclass |

Here are a list of all Baldur’s Gate 3 Gale Build Wizard Subclasses:

  • Conjuration: Together with creating objects out of thin air, they can summon strong allies to fight with them.
  • Abjuration: They can dispel their enemies’ magic and create wards to protect themselves and their allies.
  • Enchantment: They can enchant, control, or even cause people to forget their own names.
  • Divination: They have the ability to read minds, see into the future, and even speak with the dead.
  • Evocation: They can perform strong spells that deal their enemies a great degree of harm.
  • Necromancy: They can raise the dead, create undead minions, and even drain the life of their enemies.
  • Transmutation: They can alter items’ sizes and shapes, and they can even turn living creatures into other creatures.
  • Illusion: They can make up illusions that deceive the senses and even change other people’s memories.

These are the eight wizard subclasses that will be playable when Baldur’s Gate 3 launches fully. Evocation is a fantastic option that works well with Gale’s story and does a lot of damage without risking friends.


bg3 best gale build Evocation Wizard tricks & Progression

Here are a list of all evocation wizard subclass features and spells:

  • Sculpt Spells: best build for gale bg3 safe pockets into your evocation spells. Allies do not receive damage from these spells and automatically make their saving throws. (Level 2)
  • Evocation Savant: Decreases by half the price of learning evocation spells from scrolls. It will only cost 25gp for each spell level to learn. (Level 2)
  • Empowered Evocation: You can now add your Intelligence Modifier to damage rolls while using any evocation spell since your knowledge of evocation magic has become stronger. (Level 10)
  • Potent Cantrip: Your Cantrips become more difficult to eradicate. A creature that successfully uses its Saving Throw against one of your cantrips still receives half of the damage dealt by the cantrip but avoids any further results. (Level 6)

what are the bg3 best gale build race?

Gale is a Wizard spellcaster bound to the Human race, which isn’t the most optimal choice compared to other races. Humans in Baldur’s Gate 3 lack the +1 to +6 ability scores seen in Dungeons & Dragons 5e and don’t have Darkvision. However, in the Best Gale Build BG3, every race gets a +2 and +1 ability score, which helps maximize Gale’s performance. Almost everything except race can be adjusted with the respec NPC, Withers, at camp.

One significant benefit of Gale’s humanity is the Civil Militia’s passive, allowing him to equip shields. As a Human spellcaster Wizard, you rely on spells like Mage Armour to boost your Armor Class (AC). By equipping Mage Armour with a quarterstaff and shield, you can easily achieve an AC of 17 or higher in the early game. While it may seem weak, the shield and Human race combo is a powerful choice for spellcasters.

best build for gale bg3 Recommended Skills

Best Gale Build Recommended Skills |
Best Gale Build Recommended Skills |

The top abilities for our Baldur’s Gate 3: Best Gale Build BG3 are Investigation and Religion. These abilities enhance your effectiveness in a variety of situations and complement your class strengths. In Baldur’s Gate 3, abilities are your character’s proficiencies and skills that allow them to interact with the game world and perform various tasks. Skills are tied to specific attributes and are used to determine the success or effectiveness of certain actions or abilities. You can adjust these abilities on the respec or reroll screen, or when creating a character with companions.

  • Religion: an Intelligence Skill.
  • Investigation: an Intelligence Skill.

the best ability score to unlock bg3 gale sorcerer build companion

The six primary metrics in Baldur’s Gate 3 Gale Build that define a character’s abilities are called ability scores. You can reroll with Withers in your Camp to refine your BG3 Gale Sorcerer Build companion.

  • Dexterity: 16
  • Strength: 8
  • Constitution: 14
  • Wisdom: 10
  • Intelligence: 16
  • Charisma: 10

For our Gale Companion in Baldur’s Gate 3 Builds, the highest priority ability score is Intelligence, aiming for 16 to improve spellcasting accuracy. Dexterity becomes the second priority at 14, as Gale will be using robes instead of armor. This high Dexterity helps boost AC. Finally, raising Constitution to 14 will improve Gale’s health points (HP) and increase overall survivability.

Best Gale Multiclass Build Bg3 For Every Class | bg3 gale best build | best build for gale bg3 multiclass

Ultimate MULTICLASS Builds For EVERY Class In Baldurs Gate 3 - BG3 Best Multiclass Builds (Supercut)
Best Gale Multiclass Build Bg3 For Every Class | best build for gale bg3 | gale best build |

bg3 gale sorcerer build Wizard Level Progression

Level 1

Best Gale Build Bg3 Level 1 Spells Gale Wizard |
Best Gale Build Bg3 Level 1 Spells Gale Wizard |

Note that companions have a basic class and ability score. Unlock Withers as soon as possible at level 2, right after the prologue, and respec Gale’s skills and ability scores as mentioned earlier. Gale is a Human, so you can use Light Armor instead of just clothes as a Wizard. Early in the game, use Mage Armor and clothing for Armor Class (AC). As you progress, you can equip Light Armor, which will raise your AC above the initial combo. In Acts 2 and 3, opt for Light Armor instead of Mage Armor for the highest AC and better evasion.


Additionally, obtain a Quarterstaff early and use it throughout. The Shield is another option that boosts AC and survival. It’s up to you, but the Staff can be useful and typically grants an extra spell.

level 1 Cantrip, Subclass and spells

  • Wizard Cantrip Selection
    • Acid Splash: Hurl a bubble of acid that hurts each creature it hits. This spell might decrease armor and cause fair area damage.
    • Ray of Frost: Call forth a frigid beam of blue-white light and reduce the target’s Movement Speed by 3m. This is a good attack to stop a melee attacker from getting closer to you..
    • Fire Bolt: Hurls fireball dealing 1d10 fire damage 18m range. The strongest cantrip available to wizards, with the added ability to burn or set objects on fire (In combination with the Grease spell).

  • Subclass Features
    • Arcane Recovery (Arcane Ward): you can recover two spell slots. The number allows you to either restore two level 1 spells or one level 2 spell. You may use this easy technique to stop yourself from resting repeatedly in between battles. At lower levels, when your spell slots are restricted, you should plan on resting a lot.

  • Spells Selection
    • Thunderwave: Release a wave of thunderous force that pushes away all creatures and objects (2d8 Thunder). This spell acts as your knockback to melee characters and allows you to create distance and get away. Also, it works well to knock enemies off ledges or elevated positions and preserves your early defensive level.
    • Mage Armour: Surround an unarmoured creature in a protective magical force. Its Armour Class increases to 13 + its Dexterity modifier. This is an essential defensive skill because it sets AC to 13 + Dexterity Modifier landing you at 16 AC total when it’s active. Mage Armor is applied to your character and remains there until you either take a long rest or are cast out of combat. To be at full spells, I usually perform this and use a Spell Recharge.
    • Magic Missile: Create 3 darts of magical force, each dealing 1d4+1 Force to its target. The darts always hit their target. The strength of this ability is its 100% chance of landing. By far lower damage, but useful when you can target up to three separate enemies or finish someone off when you need a guaranteed hit.
    • Chromatic Orb: Hurl a sphere that deals 3-24 elemental damage and possibly creates a surface on impact. You get to pick the element, which makes this a strong spell. Cold can provide significant damage, proc prone, or crowd control a target.
    • Grease: Cover the ground in grease, slowing creatures within and possibly making them fall Prone. Your group will benefit from having some sort of early crowd control.

Getting Started with the Game | Best Gale Build Bg3

The key to playing Gale effectively is to use Mage Armor right after every long rest. This will increase your AC to 18, with a shield raising it to 16. Gale should focus on crowd control first, using Sleep, Grease, Firebolt, Thunderwave for knockouts, and Chromatic Orb. Ice can be used with Chromatic Orb to knock enemies prone, effectively ending their turn. Gale becomes much stronger at level 5, but expect a slow start before that.

Gale should have abilities that include stuns, area damage, single-target damage, and knockback. You can choose spells by default, but feel free to adjust them as you discover which ones work best for your party members.

Tips for starting the Baldur’s Gate 3 Gale Build:

  • With a free spell, quarterstaff
  • Look for a shield.
  • Collect Camp supplies, alchemical ingredients, and scrolls
  • To find the perfect combo for you, swap spells and try other combinations.
  • Eat scrolls containing helpful spells to get them.

Level 2

Best Gale Build Bg3 Level 2 Spellbook and Subclass Gale Wizard |
Best Gale Build Bg3 Level 2 Spellbook and Subclass Gale Wizard |

Subclass Features

  • Evocation Savant: Learning Evocation spells from scrolls costs half as much, becoming 25 gold pieces per spell level. When learning new spells, this reduces the cost of purchasing a scroll.
  • Sculpt Spells: Create pockets of safety within your Evocation Spell. Allied creatures automatically succeed in their saving throws and take no damage from them. Area-based spells will not give “friendly fire.” The fireball may be cast without harming allies

  • Spells Selection
    • Feather Fall: Slow the rate of descent of allied creatures. The targets become Immune to Falling damage. For broad exploration, this is an excellent spell. Especially, it prevents your character from dying from fall damage when they enter the Underdark.
    • Find Familiar: Gain the service of a familiar, fey spirit that takes an animal from your choice. Summon a helpful critter to follow you around. still, you can utilize them in overland exploration utility spells to slip into smaller areas.

When your spell slots are full at this level, use Fire Bolt for damage. Save Thunderwave for knockback when under siege. For 100% damage, Magic Missile is perfect for death shots. Use Mage Armor only after a long rest. For crowd control or applying Grease in a choke point when facing multiple melee enemies, use Chromatic Orb with cold.

Level 3

Best Gale Build Bg3 Level 3 Spellbook and Spells Gale Wizard |
Best Gale Build Bg3 Level 3 Spellbook and Spells Gale Wizard |

At level three, you’ll gain more spell slots—two additional level 2 and one more level 1 spell slot. This lets you use a mix of higher and lower-level spells in each battle.

  • Spells Selection
    • Misty Step: Surrounded by silver mist, you teleport to an unoccupied space where you can see up to 18m range. Early in the game, this is one of the BEST defensive spells. When you most need it, it’s a teleport. And all it takes for this spell to work is one bonus action. If you have the spell slots, you can spend your action for a powerful spell and a bonus action to run away.
    • Scorching Ray: Hurl 3 rays of Fire, each dealing 2d6 Fire damage at 18m range. Consider this spell as an enhanced Magic Missile, designed for dealing massive damage when necessary. Casting on one target or up to three is possible, which is excellent for several kills without utilizing our talent.

Decide when to use Misty Step combined with Scorching Ray. Since the Wizard doesn’t have enough spell slots, it’s better to find the Amulet of Misty Step and reserve a slot for another spell. With higher levels and increased Intelligence, you’ll gain access to more learned spells, including the powerful defensive spell Mirror Image. Use Scorching Ray for single or multiple target shots.

Level 4

Best Gale Build Bg3 Level 4 Spellbook, Spells and Feat Gale Wizard |
Best Gale Build Bg3 Level 4 Spellbook, Spells and Feat Gale Wizard |

At level four, you gain two extra spells, another cantrip, and a level 2 spell slot. Additionally, you can select a prize or ability improvement. We recommend using the Ability Improvement to raise your Intelligence by two, making your spells more powerful.

  • Spells Selection
    • Mirror Image: Create 3 illusory duplicates of yourself that distract attackers. Each duplicate increases your Armour Class by 3.Each time you successfully block an assault, one of the duplicates disappears. This is a god-tier defense spell to use if you keep getting killed by melee or ranged strikes. Although you don’t want to have an overly defensive build, the combination of Mirror Image and Mage Armour can help you survive challenging battles.
    • Flaming Sphere: this creates a fireball that acts as a companion and can do damage to you. It’s a great decoy along with easy-to-do damage skill. Moreover, it can be cast before combat and if you don’t use another concentration spell helps soak up and dish out damage at this level.

  • Cantrip Selection
    • Blade Ward: Take only half of the damage from Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing attacks. This is a decent cantrip when expecting incoming melee damage.

  • Feat Features
    • Ability Improvement: +2 to Intelligence. We will take Spell Sniper at level 8 and another +2 at level 12 to reach 10 Intelligence at max level.

Use Flaming Sphere to divert attention during large-scale melee combat. Your primary damage dealers should rely on Chromatic Orb and Scorching Ray. To conserve spell slots, use Fire Bolt. As the game progresses, Flaming Sphere will lose its effectiveness, so you can swap it out later for stronger summoning powers.

Level 5

Best Gale Build Bg3 Level 5 Spellbook and Spells Gale Wizard |
Best Gale Build Bg3 Level 5 Spellbook and Spells Gale Wizard |

With access to Level 3 spells at level 5, your wizard begins to feel quite strong. Here’s why you should use Fireball and Haste at this level:

  • Spells Selection
    • Haste: Target yourself or an ally to become Hastened which allows an additional action for that character hastened. This spell requires concentration, and the target becomes lethargic when the condition ends after 10 turns. At the expense of a level 3 spell, this provides the target with a significant tactical edge. Granted that a Fighter with Extra Attack and Great Weapon Master has this ability, they may effectively attack five times in a turn  a reason why I don’t usually play my Wizard as a supporting character!
    • Fireball: Shoot a bright flame from your fingers that explodes upon contact, torching everything in the vicinity 8d6 18m range 6m radius. As a Wizard, you begin to feel extremely powerful as you cast this “mega” spell, which is what everybody wants. It covers a wide area and delivers a ton of damage. Make sure the region is free of obstacles or choose a location on the ground where it won’t affect your allies.

The Evocation subclass passive grants significant area-based damage with Fireball, but it won’t harm allies, allowing you to cast it without worrying about hurting your team. Additionally, the Haste ability can be used to grant one character an extra round of action for ten turns. However, avoid casting Haste if you anticipate incoming damage, as the slowed state effect may cause you to lose focus and miss a turn.

Level 6

Best Gale Build Bg3 Level 6 Spellbook and Spells Gale Wizard |
Best Gale Build Bg3 Level 6 Spellbook and Spells Gale Wizard |
  • Subclass Features
    • Potent Cantrip: your cantrips become harder to evade entirely. If a creature succeeds in saving throw, it still takes half its damage. This just slightly improves Firebolt’s reliability, so we won’t be using it a lot.

  • Spells Selection
    • Glyph of Warding: this is a 3m radius glyph that triggers elemental damage. One good feature is that you may select the kind of element and place it as a trap on the ground. While it doesn’t do as much damage as other area spells, it might still be useful because many components have status effects.
    • Counterspell: Nullify another creature’s spell as a reaction. The spell must be 3rd level or lower. If it is higher, you must succeed in a Check to nullify it, the difficulty of which is based on the spell’s Level. An amazing spell because it’s a reaction, meaning it doesn’t cost an action. Although you don’t want to use up all of your spell slots, you can take down another spell caster.

Keep a level 3 spell or higher in reserve for Counterspell, as it’s a must-have spell to slot. Also, you may use elements other than fire to create Glyphs of Warding. If a target is resistant to fire but susceptible to another, this is useful. Vulnerability doubles while resistance cuts harm in half.

Level 7

Best Gale Build Bg3 Level 7 Spellbook and Spells Gale Wizard |
Best Gale Build Bg3 Level 7 Spellbook and Spells Gale Wizard |

You can cast level 4 spells and one more prepared spell at level 7. We recommend the following:

  • Spells Selection
    • Banishment: temporarily Banish your target to another plane of existence requires concentration. This is a very powerful single-target crowd control effect. This does require concentration so we will use it sparingly on bosses or something that deals a lot of damage. Since the target won’t be able to harm you, they won’t be a threat. With two turns, use this to eliminate more enemies.
    • Ice Storm: deals 2d8 bludgeoning damage and 4d6 cold damage in a massive 6m area. This spell is a huge radius-like fireball doing two types of damage and using cold can trigger status effects. Apply it to the fourth-level spell to do area damage.
    • Flex Spells: drop Chromatic Orb and Flaming Sphere for Misty Step and Mirror Image if survival is an issue.

Level 8

The Wizard has access to two more spells and a feat at level 8. Consider using Spell Sniper Feat, Blight, and Greater Invisibility.

  • Cantrip Selection
    • Eldritch Blast (Eldritch Knight): Force damage The spell creates more than one beam when you reach higher levels: two beams at the 5th level and three beams at the 10th level. Each beam is rolled separately. Applied when you just want to do force damage or run out of spell slots. Useful to knock open holes in the walls outside of combat.

  • Feat Selection
    • Spell Sniper: reduces critical chance dice roll by and you can select one cantrip. This is helpful because Eldritch Blast is the most powerful cantrip and we get a buff to Cantrip at level 6 with Potent Cantrip. likewise, there is a greater chance of striking, which is always crucial.

  • Spells Selection
    • Blight: 9m range, dealing 8d8 necrotic damage. This will help with single-target damage and a different elemental type if someone is susceptible to it. Moreover, they still take half damage on save, so consistent damage can spike a single target.
    • Greater Invisibility: Turn a creature Invisible. Attack against it has Disadvantages. Giving allies invisibility with this talent is quite useful. This has useful uses both within and outside of battle.
Best Gale Build Bg3 Level 8 Spellbook and Spells Gale Wizard |
Best Gale Build Bg3 Level 8 Spellbook and Spells Gale Wizard |

At level eight, your wizard becomes incredibly powerful, and with a superior cantrip, you won’t have to worry about running out of spell slots. While area damage remains your primary focus, the addition of Blight and Eldritch Blast enhances your spell options for single-target damage.

Level 9

Best Gale Build Bg3 Level 9 Spellbook and Spells Gale Wizard |
Best Gale Build Bg3 Level 9 Spellbook and Spells Gale Wizard |

At level 9, the Wizard gets to pick two more spells to learn, one more prepared spell, and access to level 5 spells.

  • Spells Selection
    • Conjure Elemental: Bend the barrier between the Planes until they disgorge an elemental ally to follow and fight for you. I prefer the Earth Elemental because it can stun opponents. Whatever you summon, will follow you around and fight for you and not require concentration.These things can withstand incredible pressure and damage, therefore I strongly advise using them.
    • Cloudkill: craft a large cloud that inflicts 5∼40 Poison damage per turn. Deals massive area damage and poison. In case you are facing an opponent that is immune to harm, you should replace this in your prepared slots.

Level 10

Best Gale Build Bg3 Level 10 Spellbook and Spells Gale Wizard |
Best Gale Build Bg3 Level 10 Spellbook and Spells Gale Wizard |

The Wizard has access to a new best subclass feature, two new spells, and another prepared spell at level 10.

  • Wizard Cantrip Selection
    • True Strike: Gain Advantage on your next Attack Roll. A mediocre cantrip at this point but an advantage can be helpful if you need to land big damage.

  • Subclass Features
    • Empowered Evocation: Your grasp of Evocation magic has tightened, and you can add your Intelligence modifier to damage rolls with any Evocation spells.

  • Spells Selection
    • Telekinesis: Throw a creature or object up to 18m with a thought. Once per turn, you can use Telekinesis again without expending a spell slot. Heavier items deal more damage. A deceptively powerful spell in which you can one-shot kill targets by throwing them off high ledges or into death environments.
    • Cone of Cold: 8d8 cold damage Make a flurry of frost, crisp air, and condensed snow crystals erupt from your hands. Another amazing conal damage spell that is cold so it can proc status effects.

Level 11

Best Gale Build Bg3 Level 11 Spellbook and Spells Gale Wizard |
Best Gale Build Bg3 Level 11 Spellbook and Spells Gale Wizard |

The Wizard may unlock level 6, the last level of spells, at level 11. Disintegration and Globe of Invulnerability are the strategies we advise.

  • Spells Selection
    • Globe of Invulnerability: Creates a barrier that makes creatures and objects inside it Immune to all damage 3m and requires concentration. In essence, you cannot die while inside this barrier. It can be useful if you or your team needs to turtle up under severe pressure.
    • Disintegrate: Shoot a thin green ray from your finger. If the 50-100 Force damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, it disintegrates into crumbly ash. My all-time favorite spell in all of Baldur’s Gate 3. It’s a strong spell that does single-target damage and has the ability to completely destroy enemies. While this build is focused on AOE, it’s a must-have in any area for single target pressure.

At maximum level 12, you’ll only have access to one level 6 spell slot. To avoid wasting a single spell, it’s advised to seek out the Legendary Staff as early as Act Three. This way, you can utilize two spell slots per extended rest. The Globe of Invulnerability can be quite useful in higher-difficulty modes like Honor mode.

Level 12

Best Gale Build Bg3 Level 12 Feat and Spells Gale Wizard |
Best Gale Build Bg3 Level 12 Feat and Spells Gale Wizard |

Our build for Baldur’s Gate 3: Best Gale Build Bg3 has reached max level 12. You can prepare one more spell, pick a feat, and learn two more spells at this level.

  • Spells Selection
    • Create Undead: Create a corpse as a heinous mummy that fights by your side. Useful spell that can give you another ally until a long rest. Find the item Crypt Lord Ring for a free spell cast in Act Three.
    • Chain Lightning: deals 10-80 lighting damage Strike an enemy with lightning. Three more bolts will leap from the target, electrifying as many as three other enemies within 18m. With some potential for area or multitarget use, this is yet another incredible damage ability. The spell Disintegrate is limited by its lowest possible strike is 10, which allows for a greater possibility for many kills but also a wider range of possible results. Try switching them out and seeing which one you like.

  • Feat Selection
    • Survival: Mage Armour, Mirror Image, Misty Step, Globe of Invulnerability, Invisibility Spell or Potion.
    • Ability Improvement: You should feel like an utter god. Unlike other classes, you can swap in spells and out. As a Wizard you can also learn more spells than what we have listed. (+2 to Intelligence)
    • Single target: Scorching Ray, Disintegrate, Eldritch Blast, or Fireball.
    • Area Damage: Fireball, Chromatic Orb, Ice Storm, and Cloudkill.
    • War Caster

Best Gale Build Bg3 Gear Wizard

In Baldur’s Gate 3, you’ll find valuable items, potions, armor, weapons, scrolls, and more. As you explore the world, loot chests and defeated enemies while progressing through quests. The game rewards discovery and progression, allowing you to find stronger equipment as you travel.

Beginner Level:

Here’s The Best Gale Build Bg3 Beginner Gear (Act 1 Gear):

Gear SlotBest Gear ItemGear EffectGear Location
HeadCirclet of BlastingFree Scorching RaySold by Blurg in the Myconid Colony
ChestThe Protecty Sparkswall+1 Spell SavesLooted in Gilded Chest in Grymforge
GlovesBracers of Defence+2 AC without ShieldObtained in Necromancers cellar in Blighted Village
BootsDisintegrating Night WalkersMobility & Misty StepFound in Underdark from Ne’re NPC
NecklaceAmulet of Misty StepFree Misty StepFound in a Gilded Chest in Defiled Temple
RingRing of Absolute ForceFree ThunderwaveDropped by Sergeant Thrinn in Grymforge
RingSunwalker’s GiftDarkvisionBuy it from Blurg in Myconid Colony in the Underdark
Weapon 1 Main HandMelf’s First StaffFree Acid ArrowSold by Blurg in the Myconid Colony
Weapon 2 RangedHunting ShortbowFree Hunter’s MarkSold by Dammon in the Druid Grove


Advanced Level:

Here’s The Best Gale Build Bg3 Best Advanced And End-game Gear (Act 3 Gear):

Gear SlotBest Gear ItemGear EffectGear Location
HeadHood of the Weave+2 Spell Save, Attack Roll & Save DC by +2Sold by Mystic Carrion in Philgrave’s Mansion during Act 3
CapeCloak of the Weave (Cast Absorb Elements once per short rest.)+1 Spell Save, Attack Roll & Save DC by +2Sold by Helsik at the Devil’s Fee
ChestRobe of the Weave+2 AC & +1 RollRamazith’s Tower Act 3
GlovesQuickspell GlovesCantrips Bonus ActionPurchased at Lorroakan’s Projection at Sorcerors’s Sundries
BootsHelldusk Boots (Once per short rest)Cannot be MovedGilded Chest on the top floor of Wyrm’s Rock Fortress
NecklaceAmulet of Greater Health23 ConstitutionArchive in the House of Hope
RingKiller’s SweetheartAuto CriticalFound inside the Gauntlet of Shar
RingCrypt Lord RingFree Create UndeadThe Mystic Carrion’s Servant quest
Weapon 1 Main HandMarkoheshkirFree Spells, +1 RollAt Ramazith’s Tower
Weapon 1 Off-HandViconia’s Walking Fortress3 AC, Reflect SpellLooted from Viconia DeVir during Shadowheart’s companion quest in Act Three
Weapon 2 RangedDarkfire ShortbowFree Haste SpellSold by Dammon Last Light Inn Act 2

Top Wizard Items, Potions, and Consumables | Best Gale Build Bg3

Best Gale Build Bg3 Consumables, Potions, and Items |
Best Gale Build Bg3 Consumables, Potions, and Items |

Here’s the Best Gale Build Bg3 Wizard Items, Potions, and Consumables:

  • Potion of Invisibility: For one minute, turn invisible. By casting spells or attacks, the status is terminated.
  • Potion of Greater Healing: 8d4 + 8 healing and removes burning.
  • Potion of Flying: 10 turns of flying.
  • Potion of Speed: 3 turns of an increased action via the Haste condition.
  • Elixir of Peerless Focus: Get advantage on concentration saves (ingredients Sublimate of Belladona, and any ashes).
  • Potion of Angelic Slumber: After two turns of sleep, all spell slots, hit points, and abilities are restored.
  • Elixir of Vigilance: You won’t be surprised if you have a +5 bonus initiative. (ingredients sublimate of bloodstained hook and any ashes).
  • Elixir of Viciousness: Raise the likelihood of a critical hit (ingredients Vitriol of Shadowroot Sac and any Ashes).
  • Elixir of Universal Resistance: develop resistance to all damage (ingredients Vitriol of Divine Miasma and any Sublimate).
  • Superior Elixir of Arcane Cultivation: Get a level 3 spell slot (ingredients Solution of Night Orchid and any Vitriol).

Best Gale Build Bg3 Gameplay Tips and Tricks

Here’s the Best Gale Build Bg3 Gameplay Tips and Tricks:

  1. Bonus Action: Use bonus action for potions, jump, and hide.
  2. Pre-Buff: Always cast Mage Armour following a long rest for extra AC and survivability.
  3. Use Environment: Combine a fire spell with Grease and coat the area with fire damage or water with electrical damage.
  4. Area Damage: Casting Fireball onto allies shouldn’t be a concern because you lack friendly fire.
  5. Knockback: Use a spell-like Thunderwave or Teleknises to remove melee fighters from you by force.
  6. Positioning: Stay away from melee fighters and take the extra step to retreat.
  7. Rest Constantly: After one or more fights, your spell slots will rapidly run out, especially if the combat is difficult.
  8. Crowd Control: use spells like Sleep, Hold Person, or Banishment to limit incoming attackers.
  9. Use Consumables: One of the best early consumables is the Potion of Speed for double actions!
  10. Big Nuke: Hold onto at least one spell slot in case you require Misty Step or Counterspell at a crucial moment.

Does Elden Ring Better Than Baldur’s Gate 3?

Releases of role-playing games that completely transform the genre are few. particularly, not two that take place in a year or less. The most recent game in the Soulsborne series, Elden Ring, caught players off guard immediately.

The most current game in the Dungeons & Dragons video game series, Baldur’s Gate, significantly changed the party structure in role-playing games. Even without any DLC, these games are helpful and worth your time.

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Conclusion | Best Gale Build Bg3

Best Gale Build Bg3 | FAQs

What Is The Best Gale Subclass In BG3?

The best Gale subclass in BG3 is the Evocation Wizard. It maximizes damage output with powerful spells while minimizing friendly fire, making it ideal for offensive spellcasting.

How To Make Gale Powerful In BG3?

To make Gale powerful in BG3, focus on boosting his Intelligence, select the Evocation Wizard subclass, and equip him with powerful spellcasting items for maximum damage and utility.

What Feat Should I Give Gale In BG3?

For Gale in BG3, consider giving him the “Elemental Adept” feat to bypass resistance to elements or “War Caster” for improved concentration and spellcasting during combat.

What Is The Best Feat For Gale BG3?

The best feat for Gale in BG3 is “Elemental Adept,” as it allows him to bypass resistance to specific elemental damage, enhancing his spellcasting potential significantly.

What Is The Best Spells For Gale BG3?

The best spells for Gale in BG3 include “Fireball,” “Counterspell,” “Mage Armor,” and “Mirror Image,” as they maximize his damage output, defense, and utility in combat.

What Is Bg3 Highest Damage Build?

The highest damage build in BG3 typically combines a Rogue with the “Assassin” subclass and multi-classing into Fighter or Barbarian for extra attacks, maximizing critical hit potential and damage output.

The Game Award For Game Of The Year

Baldur's Gate 3 Cover |
Baldur’s Gate 3 Cover |

Baldur’s Gate 3

Larian Studios is the developer and publisher of Baldur’s Gate 3, an RPG inspired by Dungeons & Dragons. Players build their characters by choosing a beginning Bg3 best class, engaging in missions, leveling up, and fighting in turn-based combat using the D&D 5th edition rule book. The game has both a single-player and cooperative component.

PlatformPC, Stadia, macOS, PS5, Xbox Series X
Release DateAugust 3, 2023
DeveloperLarian Studios Ps5
PublisherLarian Studios Games
ESRBM for Mature: Blood and Gore, Partial Nudity, Sexual Content, Strong Language, Violence
How Long To Finish30 Hours


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