Baldur’s Gate 3: How To Defeat Orin Bg3


Who is Orin in Baldur’s Gate 3, and what strategies should players use to prepare for the fight against Orin Bg3? What are Orin’s key strengths and abilities, and how can players counter them effectively? Lastly, what rewards and outcomes await players who successfully defeat Orin Bg3? Let’s explore these questions in detail.

Orin Bg3 Introduction |
Orin Bg3 Introduction |

Orin Bg3 introduction

Orin Bg3 stands out as the most terrifying and thrilling boss among the three primary villains in Baldur’s Gate 3. To save the city, you must confront death itself and battle the fearsome Bhaalspawn, all while her ruthless followers scream in brutal devotion.


In Orin Bg3, your mission goes beyond saving the city. You’re here to rescue an abducted ally, seek justice for those senselessly slain, and confront Orin’s dark reign. This epic and perilous fight demands preparation, and we’ll equip you with the tools to ensure victory.

The Game Award For Game Of The Year

Baldur's Gate 3 Cover |
Baldur’s Gate 3 Cover |

Baldur’s Gate 3

Larian Studios is the developer and publisher of Baldur’s Gate 3, an RPG inspired by Dungeons & Dragons. Players build their characters by choosing a beginning best class, engaging in missions, leveling up, and fighting in turn-based combat using the D&D 5th edition rule book. The game has both a single-player and cooperative component.

PlatformPC, Stadia, macOS, PS5, Xbox Series X
Release DateAugust 3, 2023
DeveloperLarian Studios Ps5
PublisherLarian Studios Games
ESRBM for Mature: Blood and Gore, Partial Nudity, Sexual Content, Strong Language, Violence
How Long To Finish30 Hours

The Orin Bg3 encounter now includes new legendary actions and Patch 5 Honour Mode upgrades, making the fight against Orin the Red even more intense. Dark Urge gameplay has also been expanded to feature a unique version of this battle.

Orin the Red serves as one of your final boss fights in Baldur’s Gate 3, as you need her Netherstone. However, reaching her and preparing for the fight is an entirely different challenge. Several objectives must be completed before you can face her.

Baldur’s Gate 3 features many dangerous foes, but few are as lethal as Orin the Red. She aims to honor her god with a gruesome display, wearing the skins of her victims. Our guide dives into what to expect from this battle and its significance for Dark Urge players in Baldur’s Gate 3.

How to reach Orin Bg3 | where is Orin Bg3 Location

Orin Bg3 can be found deep within the Temple of Bhaal, accessible through several Lower City entry points. The temple lies in the sewers, behind the metal door near the Undercity Ruins waypoint. Upon reaching the waypoint, you’ll notice a nearby door that provides cryptic hints when interacted with. To unlock it, perform a ranged attack on the hanging corpses nearby, causing blood to drip into the blood-covered circle below, opening the way forward.


A long staircase leads to the next area in Orin Bg3’s lair, but midway down is a unique encounter available if you’ve defeated Gortash first. All enemies here are initially invisible, but passing a See Invisible check will reveal them. The key target is the Reaper of Flo-Flo, positioned on a northeastern stone pillar. You must defeat him within five turns as he is preparing the Ritual Chant: Bhaal’s Power Word Kill, which instantly kills everyone within its 55-meter range, encompassing nearly the entire room.

To simplify the battle, bring traversal spells, potions, and gear like Misty Step, Dimension Door, Fly, and the Potion of Glorious Vaulting. Start by using a traversal ability to reach the upper ledge north of the stairs, ignoring the three potentially invisible enemies. From there, move northwest using another traversal ability to reach Flo-Flo. Attack relentlessly, aiming to eliminate him in one turn, as he teleports if left alive. Break through his five stacks of Unstoppable, which reduce damage to one per attack for five hits. If he teleports, pursue him using traversal abilities until he’s defeated, at which point the trial ends, and other enemies disengage.

With the battle over, explore the area freely. When ready, head to the lower level through the northwest metal door near Flo-Flo’s starting point. Continue east to find a section with several corpses. Search Wilt to locate Dribbles’ missing head for the Find Dribbles the Clown quest.

After honoring the unfortunate clown, proceed downstairs toward the bridge. Unlock the Temple of Bhaal waypoint at the temple’s end to cross the bridge. Access to the temple requires an amulet obtained from the Murder Tribunal quest or by completing its trial; teleport back if needed to acquire it.

Inside the temple, everyone remains neutral until you reach the altar where your abducted ally lies. Approaching them triggers a cutscene, immediately followed by the climactic boss fight with Orin in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Defeat Orin The Red In 1 Move In Baldur’s Gate 3

Defeat Orin in 1 Move in #bg3 #baldursgate3 #baldursgateiii
Defeat Orin The Red In 1 Move In Baldur’s Gate 3 |

Orin the Red Overview

The six cultists performing a ritual in Orin Bg3’s fight grant her +1 AC for each cultist alive at the end of each turn phase, along with the effects of Sanctuary, making the battle initially seem daunting. Orin’s Slayer Form is a fearsome presence, and the cultists will cast Slow to hinder your attacks or movement. However, with proper preparation—and since you’ve made it this far—you can take down Orin in a single turn.


In Orin Bg3’s fight, even if you can’t defeat her in a single turn, employing the right strategy ensures victory. This battle unfolds in stages, with the first focusing on managing the Cultists who are actively buffing Orin during the encounter.

What Is Orin The Red’s Fight Gimmick

Before battling Orin Bg3 as Tav, an Origin character, or a redeemed Dark Urge, take a moment to analyze the various elements of the encounter. Without understanding these mechanics, you risk wasting valuable resources crucial for victory.

The core of her challenge lies in her “Unstoppable” trait, which will be familiar to those who have faced Gislev before.

Unstoppable: Reduces the next attack to one damage and consumes one Unstoppable charge. Creatures with Unstoppable cannot be affected by ordinary or magical forces.

In Normal mode, Orin has seven charges of Unstoppable, requiring seven hits to inflict proper damage. In Honour Mode, this increases to twelve charges, making the fight significantly harder.


The true challenge of facing Orin Bg3 lies in her “Unstoppable” ability, which recharges at the end of each round, making it more than just a nuisance, especially at higher difficulty levels.

In addition, Bhaal will act at the end of each round, applying “Bhaal’s Edict” to a random party member. The target must kill or deliver the final blow to a member of the cult circle, or they will instantly die at the end of the following round.

At the start of the battle, Orin’s allies are limited to two active enemies. During the ritual that restores her Unstoppable charges, the other cultists will be chanting.

Sanctuary protects all cultists performing this chant, and only powerful area-effect spells can harm them. Spells like Fireball and Ice Storm are ideal for dealing with them.

If any cultists remain after Orin is dealt with, they will turn hostile, become invisible, and start attacking. Their Sanctuary will end once they initiate combat.

The cultists also have access to spells that can hinder your movements and actions, like Slow. To counter this, it’s advisable to bring a character with Counterspell.

If you fail to defeat Orin on Turn One or focus on the other cultists, she will mark your party with “Let The Slaughter Begin.” Orin’s AC will increase if any marked character is killed or if a marked party member dies.

Concentrating on the cultists before Orin is a mistake that can turn the fight into a disastrous encounter.

How to Defeat the Sanctuary-Enhanced Cultists

By now, you should know that enemies protected by Sanctuary can’t be directly hit. While this effect would usually expire after a turn or two in previous battles, it’s permanent in this fight, so you’ll need to get creative. Area-of-effect spells are one way to bypass this protection.


The quickest and easiest method to deal with them is using Thunderwave to push them off the platform, but you may not have enough spells or scrolls to clear them all. Another effective tactic is using Glyph of Warding: Detonation, which has a similar impact.

If any cultists are still alive, utilize area-of-effect spells like Fireball, Spirit Guardians, Cone of Cold, and Ice Storm. Each time one of these cultists is attacked, Orin’s AC will decrease by +6, making her more vulnerable each turn.

How to Rescue Orin’s Victim

In Act 3, a pivotal moment arises during one of your long rests. Orin, ever the cunning shapeshifter, will disguise herself as one of your companions and attempt to kill a child. If you’re sharp enough to see through this deception, you’ll realize that your companion has been abducted. In our case, this party member had the lowest approval rating, and it was Lae’zel.

The game had already warned us that Orin would not be pleased with our actions following the Murder Tribunal, so we knew we had to act fast to save our companion. We opted for a single long rest, wary of what might transpire, and wanting to avoid any further complications while time progressed.


Upon reaching the Bhaal Temple in the Undercity Ruins, we found Lae’zel unconscious on an altar, poised for sacrifice. A skill check will appear, so be sure to pre-buff with elixirs and spells (such as Guidance) for the best chance of success: DC25 Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion. If you succeed, Orin shifts her focus from her intended victim to you.

Orin The Red stats | bg3 orin fight

  • AC: 16
  • Speed: 9m
  • HP: 145
  • Size: Large
  • Dexterity: 14
  • Weight: Monstrosity 400kg
  • strength: 22
  • Intelligence: 14
  • Constitution: 17
  • Wisdom: 16

Orin The Red Feats And Conditions

  • Slayer Form: Orin can take the form of the Bhaalspawn.
  • Unstoppable: Reduce the next attack taken by the entity to 1 and consumes one charge of Unstoppable.
  • Darkvision: Orin can see 12 in the dark.
  • Uncanny Dodge: Orin can use her reaction to halve the damage of an attack she can see.
  • Fast Hands: Orin has an additional bonus action.
  • Evasion: Orin takes half damage from area attacks that ask for Dexterity saving throws and no damage on a successful Dexterity saving throw.
  • Perfect Sentry: Orin cannot be surprised.
  • Magic Resistance: Advantage on Saving Throws against spells and magical effects.
  • Immutable Form: Spells that alter her form have no effect, and Orin has a +5 bonus on Saving Throws that would remove Orin from this plane.
  • Reliable Talent: When Orin rolls for an ability check in something she is proficient in, she cannot roll less than a 10.
  • Murderous Retort: Uses a bg3 orin legendary action to strike back at a creature after Orin is struck (melee only). Deals seven 3d10’s of Piercing damage (21-210 damage).
  • Legendary Resistance: Add +10 to next Saving Throw against an incapacitating condition.
  • Bhaal’s Edict: Mark an enemy creature, forcing it to kill or be killed. If marked creature does not kill another creature by the end of the next round, the marked creature immediately dies.

bg3 orin fight Attacks

  • Let The Slaughter Begin: All nearby creatures are marked on a failed Constitution save. If they die, Orin becomes harder to kill (granting her a +1AC).
  • Relentless Lunge: +10 to hit; 16m. Deals 2d6 + 6 Bludgeoning. It is a leap attack that knocks any creatures within the user’s landing zone Prone on a failed Strength save.
  • Crimson Mischief: Deals 1d6 + 1d4 Necrotic damage. +2 enchantment.
  • Piercing Growl: Deals 3d8 + 4 Piercing damage and both Bleeding and Fear conditions on opponents on a failed Constitution save. Targets still take half damage on a success.
  • Multiattack: +10 to hit; 3m. Deals 4d4 Slashing damage over four attacks.
  • Crimson Weapon: When wielding in your off-hand, add your Ability Modifier to the attack.
  • Prey Upon the Weak: Deal an additional 1d4 Piercing damage on target if they have less than 50% HP.
  • Sanguine Lash: Attack in a cone to deal 8d8 Slashing damage to all enemies inside, causing the Bleeding condition and knocking back creatures on a failed Dexterity Saving Throw.
  • Redvein Savagery: When you have advantage against an opponent, the target takes an additional seven piercing damage.

How To Defeat Orin Bg3

The cultists on the opposite side of the ritual will pose a challenge, even though it may seem tempting to immediately unleash a massive area-attack spell like Fireball to take them out.

Additionally, considering Orin’s power and abilities, allowing her to survive more than one or two rounds is incredibly dangerous.


Concentrating on Orin with the intention of taking her out on Turn One is the best course of action. By choosing spells and characters that permit numerous hits, this is made feasible.

We discovered that the best way to defeat Orin Bg3 is to have:

  • A spellcaster having a high degree of Magic Missile, such as a wizard
  • The Flurry of Blows with a Monk
  • A fighter with Action Surge and extra attack

When dealing with Orin’s Unstoppable feat, Magic Missile is the most effective method. With minimal damage trade-off, a fifth-level Magic Missile spell can remove Orin’s Unstoppable charges.

If your spellcaster has been interrupted by a rogue or another turn order character, Magic Missile can be cast at a lower level to still deal with the charges.

Additionally, if you’re playing on a harder difficulty like Honour Mode, it’s recommended to cast Haste on your Wizard before the fight, as Orin has more Unstoppable charges that require two high-level Magic Missile casts to be removed.

Once all Unstoppable charges are gone, unleash your strongest actions, spells, and feats to eliminate Orin quickly. Luckily, her low AC and average health pool make her an easy target after her Unstoppable charges are cleared.

To Defeat Orin Bg3 follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Turn 1: Rogue attacks with bow on turn one.
  • Turn 2: Wizard attacks with a level 4-5 Magic Missile after Orin and the follower move, eliminating all unstoppable charges. Cast the Magic Missile further higher and deliver the remaining charges to the cultist to break their concentration if they use a stun on you or another important backup fighter.
  • Turn 3: Attacks three times, action surges, and then attacks three times more. Kills Orin Bg3.
  • Turn 4: starts preparing to face up against other enemies. If the Fighter’s damage rolls were unfortunate, Orin may be finished.

The usage of Magic Missiles followed by a powerful melee fighter is a good approach that gives your two other party members flexibility, although you are not need to adhere to it exactly. Here, working with a monk can be much more greater bonus.

Fighting Orin Fight Bg3 In Honour Mode Baldur’s Gate 3

Fighting Orin in Honour Mode Baldur's Gate 3
Fighting Orin Fight Bg3 In Honour Mode Baldur’s Gate 3 |

How To Defeat Orin Bg3 Supporters

Now that Orin is defeated, the next challenge is her accompanying cultists. While fighting them can be frustrating, they don’t pose much of a health threat.

Once Orin leaves, the ritual ends, and you’ll be ambushed by cultists. They will use Shroud Self to become invisible before attacking.

Although these enemies remain under Sanctuary’s protection until they directly attack you, you can use spells like Ice Storm and Spirit Guardians to reveal and damage them simultaneously.


Your spellcaster and any other ranged support should be positioned at the top of the first set of stairs, providing assistance from above, while two of your tankiest characters should stand at the bottom during the fight.

Place a cleric with Spirit Guardians at the base of the stairs to reveal any cultists trying to sneak past.

The strategy here is to use area attacks to expose them, then follow up with melee strikes once their Sanctuary expires. This process can be long and tedious at times.

With patience, you can safely exit the Temple of Bhaal, letting the cultists come to you. Don’t forget to loot Orin’s treasures. Though the lighting may make it hard to find her body, holding the left Alt key on your PC or clicking in on the L Joystick with a controller will highlight her lootable ash pile.

If your companion survived, grab the key from her ashes and use it to interact with the altar, freeing them. This will allow you to return to camp with your party member and the loot Orin Bg3 left behind.

Dark Urge Duel Orin the Red Boss Fight

The fight begins after a back-and-forth conversation with Orin. If you’re playing as a Dark Urge character, you’ll experience the Orin the Red boss fight in Baldur’s Gate 3. Here’s what you need to know:

A duel will break out between you and Orin, and neither cultists nor teammates are allowed to interfere. If you attempt to attack or heal with a party member, all cultists and teammates will turn against you and continuously buff Orin Bg3.

Since you can’t rely on your allies, it’s recommended to pre-buff with spells that provide an advantage, such as Bless, or anything that lasts for multiple turns.

Orin Bg3 will transform into a Slayer, a form that features powerful jumps capable of knocking you down and attacks that cause lethal bleeding.


Because the main character is a Way of the Four Elements Monk, the battle was ridiculously simple. We continued to use Stunning Strike Unarmed and Flurry of Blows because we had a lot of ki points. As a result, we dealt a lot of damage and Orin Bg3 was unable to attack during her turn.

Orin Bg3 Boss Fight Rewards

Following the battle with Orin the Red in Baldur’s Gate 3, you will be rewarded with the following:

  • Legendary: Crimson Mischief: +2 weapon enchantment; extra 1-4 damage against targets with 50% HP or below; 10-23 piercing and necrotic damage; Helpful attacks result in +7 damage; You can include your ability modifier in your damage roll while using it as an off-hand weapon.
  • Legendary: Netherstone-Pommeled Bloodthirst: True Strike cantrip; creatures hit with this weapon become susceptible to piercing damage; +2 weapon enchantment; 9-19 piercing and necrotic damage; reduces the number required to roll a critical; You may use it as an off-hand weapon to obtain True Strike and counterattack against enemies that use melee attacks and miss you; Bound Weapon: +1 AC.
  • Inspirations: Putting the Past to Rest.

Accept or Reject Bhaal’s Gift Dark Urge Dilemma

However, if you choose the Dark Urge origin, there are additional elements you may want to know about.

After defeating Orin in Baldur’s Gate 3, a cutscene will play. Scleritas Fel, your butler, gets impaled, and Bhaal communicates with his corpse. You will then be presented with a choice: accept your father’s gift fully or refuse and become Bhaal’s Chosen.


Accept Bhaal’s Gift

  • Inspiration: The Haunted One, or Return of the Bhaalspawn.
  • Response Examples: “I accept your gift, Lord Bhaal,” “I understand now, in your name, Father, it will be done,” together with “I don’t have a choice, it seems.”
  • Power Word: Kill is a one-time use spell that instantly eliminates an enemy with 100 HP or below.
  • Action: Slayer Form: During long rest, transform into a lethal Slayer monster.

Given that Jaheira and Minsc battled Bhaal’s lackeys in the earlier games, it makes reasonable that they will both permanently leave your party. Not only that, but the two will ambush you with the Harpers as you exit the temple. There’s nothing you can do but murder them. Despite their disapproval of your choice, your other companions will remain on your team. This also holds true for Orin’s Bg3 chosen victim, Lae’zel in our playthrough, who just stayed.

Reject Bhaal’s Gift

  • Inspiration: Haunted One, Bhaalspawn No More.
  • Response Examples: “I refuse, I will be free of you,” “I will not stand for that,” The only family I know are those who fight by my side.”
  • Helm: Gibus of the Worshipful Servant: Scleritas Fel drops this weapon, which gives you an advantage on throws that save concentration and momentum equal to your Charisma modifier at the beginning of combat.

Bhaal will instantly destroy your character. Fortunately, the hooded skeleton Withers appears. He thinks you’re a real champion, and you’ve shown that by standing up against real evil. After he brings you back to life, the Dark Urge curse is fully lifted. Because you made the proper decision, you have everyone’s blessings.

How To Defeat Orin The Red As The Bhaalspawn

The stat block from above still applies if you choose to play as the Bhaalspawn, but your battle with Orin Bg3 will be completely different mechanically from the one before. The other fight gimmicks will be removed, leaving you and Orin in a straightforward, death-defying battle, without any cultists or flashy tricks.

Your previous choices will influence what (or who) you face:

If you fully embrace the Dark Urge and keep her in the dark about her origins, you’ll battle Orin in her humanoid form. If you play as a redeemed Dark Urge and reveal her background, Orin will transform into her Slayer form.

Telling Orin the truth about her background (through a successful Deception or Religion check) will always make her transform into the Slayer, turning the battle into a Slayer vs. Slayer fight. During a redeemed Dark Urge run, however, revealing the truth will not only change her into the Slayer but also enhance her form with minor boosts to her health and attacks.


You must have questioned Sarevok in the Murder Tribunal and snuck into Orin’s Bg3 chamber at the back of the temple to use Speak with the Dead to communicate with her mother in the coffin if you want to tell Orin the truth.

Regardless, this will be a one-on-one battle. Orin cannot receive any assistance from the other Bhaal cultists as she could in the standard or redeemed fight, and you will not be able to rely on your party members during this encounter.

Any kind of outside support during the battle will encourage the cultists to join the conflict. This consists of:

  • Using the tadpole powers of reaction Illithid
  • Rerolling the die with the powerful feat of the Divination Wizard
  • Making use of healing spells like Healing Word

Before speaking to Orin, you can utilize other party members to offer the Dark Urge benefits, but you are not allowed to use them during the fight.

For this battle, the following spells are the most useful to cast:

  • Calm Emotions
  • Resistance
  • Haste
  • Shield of Faith

For this battle, the following potions are the most useful:

  • Elixir of Cloud Giant Strength
  • Elixir of Vigilance
  • Elixir of the Colossus

Bringing spells that summon minions of any kind is incredibly helpful during this fight to absorb some of Orin’s Bg3 immense damage.

In this battle, it’s essential to focus on strategies that increase your chances of avoiding being knocked prone or frightened.

If you’re a Paladin, you may have natural immunity to the Frightened condition, which allows you to concentrate on multiple spells without fear.

Your strategy will vary depending on the version of the encounter, but certain key tactics should remain consistent.

Orin Bg3 Humanoid

This is a very straightforward fight, thanks to Orin’s decreased stats compared to the slayer form.

  • Prior to transforming into Slayer Form, debuff Orin with Illithid abilities like Charm or Black Hole.
  • Use pre-fight enhancing spells to become ready.
  • As much as you can, keep your HP above 50% to stop her from using her special blade to deliver further damage.
  • Use a number of Relentless Lunges to knock her to the ground and inflict more damage.

Orin Bg3 Slayer

This can be a tricky Slayer vs. Slayer fight or Player vs. (Enhanced) Slayer, where you’ll need to manage your bonuses and prepare before the fight to have the best chance at victory. This is the more difficult fight of the two.

  • Before a combat, use teammates to cast spells that increase concentration. (Drink a potion of speed turn one if you’re not rushed.)
  • Before a combat, take a potion. The Colossus or Cloud Giant Elixirs may be useful for tankier classes like Fighter. The Vigilance potion is recommended for squishy classes like as Wizards and Sorcerers.
  • If Redeemed Dark Urge: Release your rage on Orin Bg3 in an attempt to defeat her on Turn One or Two.
  • If Embraced Dark Urge: Change into the Slayer and keep utilizing Sumptuous Blood Bath, Multiattack, and Relentless Lunge (even in melee).

In higher difficulty levels like Tactician and Honour Mode, fighting Orin is quite challenging. She will be especially difficult for spellcasting classes because of her devastating damage output, massive health, and Uncanny Dodge.


If you’re satisfied with your build but still struggling against Orin, consider adjusting your approach. Potions and efficient action economy management will play a crucial role.

“Our fragile Storm Sorcerer initially took a defensive approach, struggling to set up for Orin and suffering multiple defeats, barely surviving a round even with 24AC + Shield. We shifted to an offensive strategy, focusing on damage, and achieved such success that we accidentally defeated Orin on the first turn with Witch Bolt.”

You’ll eventually overcome Orin. Along with her Netherstone and unique weapons and armor, you’ll also earn Bhaal’s Chosen blessing as part of your reward.

Orin the Red Boss Strategy

If you’ve read the previous sections, you know that dealing with Orin Bg3’s ten stacks of Unstoppable, which she gains every turn, requires multi-hit attacks or area-of-effect spells and knockback abilities like Thunderwave to eliminate Sanctuary-buffed cultists. The right strategy can be tough until you defeat the six cultists, but if you passed the DC25 checks with Orin before the battle, your main focus should be saving your ally while your best lockpicker works on it. Using a turn-up for this is highly beneficial, as it will provide you with a fifth member for the fight.

Use your melee character to take out the other cultists attacking you, then have your tank or highest AC character try to hold Orin at bay. Finally, use your magic or scroll users to handle the cultists. Orin should be unstoppable after the cultists are defeated, though we encountered a bug where she retained the buff even after they were gone.

Your kidnapped ally can be rescued during the fight to help with the battle. Their chains must be unlocked with a DC25 check.


Orin has numerous attacks you need to know about which are:

  • Unstoppable: reduces the damage of Orin’s next attack to one. This has ten stacks, and until you eliminate the cultists, they will refresh every turn.
  • Slay: 6d6+7 Weapon attack
  • Let the Slaughter Begin: Marks the target for death by branding them. Orin gains +1 AC if that member dies, making her more difficult to kill.
  • Multiattack: Orin will launch four attacks, each of which deals 1d4. She won’t use this frequently, but you’ll be fortunate if she does.
  • Piercing Growl: roars within a 12-meter radius in a cone-like pattern. Damage from 3d8+4 piercing. The target will get Bleeding and Frightened for two turns if they are unable to make a Con save.
  • Relentless Lunge: Orin strikes you with 4d6+7 bludgeoning damage as he leaps and crashes into you. The target will be prone for two turns if you are unable to make a strength save. It simply costs Orin a bonus action and has a 12-meter range.
  • Sumptuous Blood Bath: If you fail a Con save, you will be bled for three turns by 3d10 slicing damage. You will still sustain half damage even if you save.

Once Orin Bg3’s Unstoppable is removed, the battle shifts to a different kind of challenge. Orin has several attacks that can damage multiple party members, so try to keep your team spread out. Speed or haste potions can be helpful for gaining extra actions. Using Blade Ward, along with Reviving Hands gloves and Mass Heal Word from Shadowheart, will help reduce the damage by half for two turns. If you pair this with a Paladin’s Aura of Courage and Protection, you can also resist being frightened.

After defeating Orin Bg3, a scene with The Emperor will trigger. If you’ve already killed Lord Gortash, he will suggest eliminating the last boss, marking this as a point of no return. If you’re not ready for the final battle, you can inform him and finish the remaining tasks. Once you’ve spoken with the Emperor, talk to the abducted ally to bring them back to camp. Then, loot the area for treasures, including the renowned Crimson Mischief shortsword and the Netherstone-Pommeled Bloodthirst dagger.

Orin the Red Personality

In her twisted manner, Orin Bg3 is both artistic and creative, yet also profoundly cruel and sadistic. Her behavior often comes across as immature and childish; she quickly loses her temper when things don’t go as planned, challenges authority in petty ways, and toys with her victims as if it were a form of entertainment. She derives a sadistic pleasure from mocking her victims, often revealing graphic details of her actions with a sense of twisted enjoyment.


When Orin Bg3 impersonates another character using her shapeshifting abilities, she can initially mimic their behavior effectively. However, due to her uncontrollable bloodlust, her true nature eventually emerges. She becomes increasingly sadistic and cruel, expressing violent threats and horrific brutality before reverting to her original form.

Driven by her relentless pursuit of Bhaal’s favor, Orin’s obsessive attachment to him masks her deep need for acceptance and belonging. Though rare, she occasionally shows admiration for figures like Sarevok, who are fervent followers of Bhaal. Yet, when confronted with the truth of her origins, her cold, ruthless demeanor crumbles, revealing her genuine fear as Bhaal forces her into becoming his unwilling instrument.

Orin’s shapeshifting

Using one of her disguises, Orin Bg3 will irritate the party twice with her shapeshifting abilities. After the second transformation, all further interactions with the NPCs will be genuine.

The Dark Urge gains the Personal Relations background goal after first encountering one of Orin’s impersonations. Orin can only be in one place at a time. If a disguised Orin remains within a party member’s line of sight, she becomes effectively immobilized, as she cannot assume the appearance of other NPCs. This allows you to converse with other real NPCs without triggering Orin’s illusions.


It is also possible to “save” these NPCs—aside from the dead Stone Lord thug—by avoiding conversation with them until the party arrives at Wyrm’s Rock and meets Gortash. Orin will only take on the guise of the dying Stone Lord thug when Gortash reveals that Orin has compromised their camp by shapeshifting into one of their companions.

Lastly, you can identify Orin Bg3 by her level 12 appearance, though she lacks the high hit points typically expected at that level. Examining these NPCs reveals that they possess Orin’s passives, such as Immutable Form, exposing her true nature. If attacked immediately, Orin will transform and disappear without issuing her usual threats, though she will still mock the party.

Orin the Red Passive Features

  • Darkvision
  • Evasion
  • Immutable Form
  • Opportunity Attack
  • Fast Hands
  • Uncanny Dodge
  • Magic Resistance
  • Reliable Talent
  • Perfect Sentry

Orin Bg3 betrayal

In a bid to create a soulless army to bring about the world’s destruction, the Urge allied with Bane (God) and Bane’s Chosen, Enver Gortash. Together, they devised a plan to seize the Crown of Karsus, a powerful ancient artifact, and use it to enslave an Elder Brain. Orin joined the trio in their assault to place the Crown on the brain beneath Moonrise Towers, after enlisting Myrkul’s Chosen, Ketheric Thorm, to aid in their dark endeavor.


Orin Bg3 seized the opportunity and struck, implanting an Illithid tadpole into the Urge’s eyes and driving a knife into their head. Orin Bg3 replaced the Urge as Bhaal’s Chosen and the third conspirator, leaving her former rival to die with a tadpole devouring their brain. However, Orin’s uncontrollable bloodlust soon caused her to fall out of favor with the other two, who regarded her as a necessary annoyance to their plans.

If the Dark Urge is not chosen as the player character, their corpse will be discovered in Orin’s chamber, tortured to death by their sister.

If the Dark Urge is selected, Kressa Bonedaughter finds them, saves them from death, and imprisons them in the Mind Flayer Colony for experimentation until the Prologue, when they are taken aboard the Nautiloid.

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Top Game Trailer | Orin Bg3

Conclusion | Orin Bg3

Orin Bg3 | FAQs

Should I accept Orin’s deal in BG3?

Accepting Orin’s deal in BG3 grants powerful abilities, but comes with consequences. Consider your playstyle and the moral implications before deciding if it’s worth the risk.

How to deal with orin bg3?

To deal with Orin in BG3, confront her directly in combat or use dialogue to outsmart her. Be prepared for tough choices, as her actions have significant consequences.

What level should you be to fight Orin in BG3?

It’s recommended to be at least level 9-10 before fighting Orin in BG3. This ensures you have enough power and abilities to handle her challenging fight.

The Game Award For Game Of The Year

Baldur's Gate 3 Cover |
Baldur’s Gate 3 Cover |

Baldur’s Gate 3

Larian Studios is the developer and publisher of Baldur’s Gate 3, an RPG inspired by Dungeons & Dragons. Players build their characters by choosing a beginning best class, engaging in missions, leveling up, and fighting in turn-based combat using the D&D 5th edition rule book. The game has both a single-player and cooperative component.

PlatformPC, Stadia, macOS, PS5, Xbox Series X
Release DateAugust 3, 2023
DeveloperLarian Studios Ps5
PublisherLarian Studios Games
ESRBM for Mature: Blood and Gore, Partial Nudity, Sexual Content, Strong Language, Violence
How Long To Finish30 Hours


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