Fallout 4: All Fallout 76 Power Armor Locations


Power Armor, sometimes known as PA, is an armored exoskeleton that protects its user from radiation and ballistic damage in Fallout 76. The US military instructed its technology teams to build one-person platforms that could support heavy weapons in 2065, which is when Power Armor got its start.

After the Great War, Power Armor sets became even more expensive, valued as unique military equipment that might let wearers survive and help active sides retake territory or fight mutants. However, Power Armor sets continued to be elusive suits that were only available to a small number of Appalachians, despite their enormous popularity. Players who wish to locate Power Armor for the first time or expand their collection should refer to this guide. It provides a list of every PA in the game along with brief instructions on how to obtain them.

Finding power armor in Fallout 76 is mostly a matter of luck. It is random in terms of whether it exists and what items are on it, even if there are specific places where it can appear. As you go from place to place, it will take a while to get a complete set of anything, much less something composed of matching parts.

List of All Fallout 76 Power Armor

List of All Fallout 76 Power Armor | Gamerglen.com
List of All Fallout 76 Power Armor | Gamerglen.com

There are eleven Power Armors in Fallout 76, including all of the original and new ones.

  • Raider
  • Excavator
  • X-01
  • T-45
  • T-51b
  • T-60
  • T-65
  • Ultracite
  • Strangler Heart
  • Hellcat
  • Union


The Game Award For Best Adaptation

Fallout 4 Cover | Gamerglen.com
Fallout 4 Cover | Gamerglen.com

Fallout 4

Fallout 4, developed by Bethesda Game Studios, is an open-world RPG set in the post-apocalyptic ruins of Boston. As the sole survivor of Vault 111, players must rebuild and shape the future of the Wasteland. The game offers a vast world filled with unique locations, factions, and quests, allowing players to forge their own path. With the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. system, players can customize their character, unlocking skills and perks to match their playstyle. Whether using V.A.T.S. for tactical combat or engaging in real-time action, Fallout 4 delivers an immersive and dynamic experience.

PlatformPC, PS4, Xbox One
Release DateNovember 10, 2015
DeveloperBethesda Game Studios
PublisherBethesda Softworks
GenreAction RPG
ESRBM for Mature: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Strong Language, Use of Drugs
How Long To Finish27 Hours

How to Get a Full Set of Fallout 76 Power Armor for Free

Three readymade sets of Power Armor—the T-45, T-51b, and T-60—are available in Fallout 76. The Watoga region, which is southeast of Appalachia, is home to these free chassis. To obtain a free pair of T-45s, visit the Watoga Municipal Center. Look around Central Watoga for the T-51b Power Armor. To acquire T-60, explore Watoga’s southern areas.


The game features three quest-exclusive PAs (Raider, Excavator, and Ultracite) that players are guaranteed to obtain upon finishing particular missions, in addition to the three free sets of Fallout 76 Power Armor. Players get a set of Raider PA after completing the Key to the Past quest. They obtain the Excavator PA after completing the Miner Miracles mission successfully. Finally, players can obtain a full set of Ultracite Power Armor by finishing the Brotherhood of Steel questline.

10 Easy Fallout 76 Power Armor Locations You Don’t Want To Miss

10 Easy Fallout 76 Power Armor Locations YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS!
10 Easy Fallout 76 Power Armor Locations You Don’t Want To Miss | Gamerglen.com

How to Get All Fallout 76 Power Armor

Some PAs are rare things that can only be found at particular merchant sites or exchanged for special currencies like Gold Bullion, while others can be acquired by fulfilling quest lines. Here’s how to obtain each Power Armor in Fallout 76.

Power ArmorLocationHow to Get
RaiderTop of the WorldEarned by completing the Key to the Past quest
Excavator (EXC-17)Garrahan Mining CorporationUnlocked by finishing the Miner Miracles quest
X-01Whitespring BunkerAvailable after achieving the rank of Enclave General
T-45Watoga Municipal Center, Vertibird crash site, Emergency Service rooftop, or High School rooftop.Found on a Power Armor chassis in various locations around Watoga
T-51bCentral WatogaLocated on a Power Armor chassis in Central Watoga
T-60Southern WatogaDiscovered on a Power Armor chassis in Southern Watoga
UltraciteAbbie’s BunkerRewarded upon completing the Brotherhood of Steel questline
T-65Vault 79Purchase the plans from Regs in Vault 79 for 6,900 Gold Bullion
HellcatVault 79Obtain by buying from Regs in Vault 79 or completing the Steel Reign quest
UnionWhitespring ResortPurchase the plans from Giuseppe Della Ripa

1. Raider

Fallout 76 Raider Power Armor | Gamerglen.com
Fallout 76 Raider Power Armor | Gamerglen.com

The Raider is a great option for beginners because it is the only Power Armor accessible to players at levels 15 to 24. It has a maximum resistance of 341 against all sources of damage, which is sufficient to finish the first missions.

The player can obtain the Raider Power Armor via looting its parts at PA spawn locations, completing the Key to the Past quest at the Top of the World, or discovering it through Random Encounters.

2. Excavator

Fallout 76 Excavator Power Armor | Gamerglen.com
Fallout 76 Excavator Power Armor | Gamerglen.com

The Excavator Power Armor, also called the EXC-17, possesses 260 electrical damage reduction, 286 physical damage reduction, and 400 radiation resistance. However, its Mineral Ore benefit—minerals extracted with this PA quadruple—is what sets it apart.

The player must obtain its blueprints from the Garrahan Mining Corporation in order to obtain the Excavator Power Armor. They could do that by interacting with the terminal in the corporation’s basement or by finishing the Miner Miracles quest.

3. X-01

Fallout 76 X-01 Power Armor | Gamerglen.com
Fallout 76 X-01 Power Armor | Gamerglen.com

The X-01 Power Armor provides 453 protection against radiation and electrical damage in addition to 398 resistance to physical damage. The remaining elements of the US military developed the prototype PA. However, in Fallout 76, X-01 is among the top mid-tier PAs in spite of its limitations.

The player must become a General and join the Enclave in order to obtain the X-01 Power Armor. The plans of this PA can only then be downloaded from the Archival Terminal located at the Whitespring Bunker.

4. T-45

Fallout 76 T-45 Power Armor | Gamerglen.com
Fallout 76 T-45 Power Armor | Gamerglen.com

Despite being the weakest model in the T-Series Power Armors, the T-45 is a reliable option for fighting, exploration, and mining. In comparison to most low-end suits, the PA offers the wearer 360 degrees of protection against all forms of damage.

Hunting treasure maps, looting PA part spawn locations, or server-hopping and searching for a complete chassis in Watoga Municipal Center, Vertibird crash site, Emergency Service rooftop, or High School rooftop are the only ways to obtain the T-45 Power Armor.

5. T-51b

Fallout 76 T-51B Power Armor | Gamerglen.com
Fallout 76 T-51B Power Armor | Gamerglen.com

The T-51b is not the strongest PA model because it was one of the first. It has a maximum of 305 radiation reduction and 454 electrical and physical resistance. However, the T-51b is regarded as one of the best low-tier Power Armors in Fallout 76 because of its viability and minimal maintenance costs.

The player must server-hop and look for a complete chassis in central Watoga in order to obtain the T-51b. However, this PA’s plans can also be found in treasure maps.

6. T-60

Fallout 76 T-60 Power Armor | Gamerglen.com
Fallout 76 T-60 Power Armor | Gamerglen.com

The T-60 is a rad-resistant Power Armor suit used by the U.S. Army infantry. It has 400 physical damage reduction, 370 electrical damage protection, and 415 radiation resistance.

The player must either find the T-60 Power Armor’s built chassis in Watoga’s southern regions or loot Level-3 containers to obtain it.

7. T-65

Fallout 76 T-65 Power Armor | Gamerglen.com
Fallout 76 T-65 Power Armor | Gamerglen.com

Out of all the T-Series models, the T-65 Power Armor is the most robust. In addition to 470 radiation and electrical protection, it has an incredible 565 physical resistance.

The player must first defeat the main quest line to open Vault 76 in order to obtain the T-65 Power Armor. After that, they can pay 6,900 Gold Bullion to Regs for this PA’s plans.

Fallout 76 Official E3 Trailer

Fallout 76 – Official E3 Trailer
Fallout 76 Official E3 Trailer | Gamerglen.com

8. Ultracite

Fallout 76 T-65 Ultracite Armor | Gamerglen.com
Fallout 76 T-65 Ultracite Armor | Gamerglen.com

In reply to the threats posed by the Scorchbeast, the Brotherhood of Steel created the Ultracite Power Armor, which is known for its anti-Scorch abilities. The PA provides 393 electrical and radiation resistance and 453 physical protection at level 50.

The player must finish the Brotherhood of Steel quest line in order to obtain the Ultracite Power Armor. After completing this mission, they are awarded with a readymade chassis and a package containing all Ultracite plans.

9. Strangler Heart

Fallout 76 Strangler Heart Armor | Gamerglen.com
Fallout 76 Strangler Heart Armor | Gamerglen.com

The Strangler Heart is the most radiation-resistant suit in Fallout 76 and is regarded as the most distinctive-looking PA. This Power Armor has been modified with the Strangler Heart plant, which gives it a whopping 500 radiation resistance in addition to 453 physical and 393 electrical protection.

The player must pay 6,900 Gold Bullion to Minerva or Regs in order to obtain the Strangler Heart Power Armor.

10. Hellcat

Fallout 76 Hellcat Armor | Gamerglen.com
Fallout 76 Hellcat Armor | Gamerglen.com

Ballistic damage protection is the specialty of the Hellcat Power Armor, which was developed by the Hellcat company. The Hellcat is the greatest choice for PvP battles because it provides an additional 12% ballistic protection, even if all PAs have 42% resistance against this kind of attack.

The player must either finish the Steel Reign quest line or purchase its plans from Regs in Vault 79 in order to obtain the Hellcat Power Armor.

11. Union

Fallout 76 Union Armor | Gamerglen.com
Fallout 76 Union Armor | Gamerglen.com

The Union Power Armor is a multipurpose suit with medium protection and carry weight that is made in the Pitt by the Pittsburgh Union. It provides 295 electrical protection, 265 radiation reduction, and 458 physical resistance at level 50.

The player must purchase the Union Power Armor’s plans from Giuseppe Della Ripa at the Whitespring resort for 4,800 Stamps.

What Is the Best Fallout 76 Power Armor

The T-65 is Fallout 76’s most powerful Power Armor in terms of power. However, because it is free and has an additional 12% ballistic damage protection on top of the normal 42%, the Hellcat is a preferable choice.

How to Steal a Power Armor Set

Players are not allowed to steal Power Armor sets from one another in Fallout 76. Only when the owner voluntary dumps the item, so disowning it, may a player get another’s PA. The suit is secure as long as the owner is in possession of it.

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Conclusion | Fallout 76 Power Armor Locations

All Fallout 76 Power Armor Locations | FAQs

What Is the Easiest Way to Get Power Armor in Fallout 76?

The easiest way to get Power Armor in Fallout 76 is to loot unclaimed Power Armor frames at Mama Dolce’s Food Processing, Morgantown Trainyard, and Aaronholt Homestead. Simply approach the frame, remove any existing armor pieces if needed, and enter it. You can also complete early Brotherhood of Steel quests or check train stations and vendor bots for Power Armor chassis.

Which Power Armor Is Best in Fallout 76?

The best Power Armor in Fallout 76 depends on your playstyle:
T-65 Power Armor – Best overall (highest Damage & Energy Resistance), but requires Gold Bullion.
Hellcat Power Armor – Best for damage reduction, reducing ballistic damage by 12%.
X-01 Power Armor – Best for stealth & energy resistance, great for Energy-based enemies.
Ultracite Power Armor – Best for Melee & Scorched enemies, high radiation resistance.

How Do I Keep Power Armor Safe in Fallout 76?

To keep your Power Armor safe in Fallout 76, always store it in your inventory by exiting the armor and holding the interact button (E on PC, A on Xbox, X on PlayStation). This prevents others from taking it. Alternatively, place the Power Armor chassis in your Stash Box or use a Power Armor Station at your CAMP for repairs and modifications.


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